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/ US Department of Defense…ndamentals 1.0 2004 April / US Department of Defense: Firewall & Router Fundamentals 1.0 2004 April.iso / sco / interface / sco_Main.swf / scripts / frame_2 / DoAction.as
Text File  |  2004-03-29  |  13KB  |  284 lines

  1. function initialize()
  2. {
  3.    var _loc1_ = _root;
  4.    _loc1_.sco_dropdown = 0;
  5.    _level11.sub.gotoAndStop(1);
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  8.    {
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  24.    {
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  26.    }
  27.    x = 0;
  28.    while(x < Module.length)
  29.    {
  30.       i = 0;
  31.       while(i < Module[x].length)
  32.       {
  33.          if(_loc1_.current_sco == Number(Module[x][i]))
  34.          {
  35.             _loc1_.current_module = x;
  36.          }
  37.          i++;
  38.       }
  39.       x++;
  40.    }
  41.    gotoAndStop(_loc1_.current_module + 4);
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  43.    _loc1_.amount_of_buttons = Number(_loc1_.txttotal) - 1;
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  59.       _loc1_.previouspage = "00" + temp_previouspage;
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  66. function file_structure()
  67. {
  68.    _root.cf_structure = "media/";
  69. }
  70. function nextpage_navigation()
  71. {
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  73.    if(_loc1_.sco_current_page < Number(_loc1_.txttotal))
  74.    {
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  77.       loadMovieNum(loading_variable,10);
  78.       _loc1_.sco_current_page = _loc1_.sco_current_page + 1;
  79.       initialize();
  80.    }
  81.    else
  82.    {
  83.       getUrl("javascript:goto_menu();", "");
  84.    }
  85. }
  86. function previouspage_navigation()
  87. {
  88.    var _loc1_ = _root;
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  90.    {
  91.       if(_loc1_.txtcurrent != "01")
  92.       {
  93.          unloadMovieNum(10);
  94.          loading_variable = _loc1_.cf_structure + "page" + _loc1_.previouspage + ".swf";
  95.          loadMovieNum(loading_variable,10);
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  97.          initialize();
  98.       }
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  105.    loadMovieNum(loading_variable,10);
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  107.    _root.sco_current_page = Number(temp_page_number);
  108.    initialize();
  109. }
  110. function load_main()
  111. {
  112.    getUrl("javascript:goto_menu();", "");
  113.    exit();
  114. }
  115. function load_print()
  116. {
  117.    loadMovieNum("../interface/print.swf",5,"GET");
  118. }
  119. function unload_print()
  120. {
  121.    unloadMovieNum(5);
  122. }
  123. function load_resources()
  124. {
  125.    resources_open = true;
  126.    _level10.stop();
  127.    loadMovieNum("../interface/resources.swf",14,"GET");
  128. }
  129. function unload_resources()
  130. {
  131.    resources_open = false;
  132.    restart();
  133.    unloadMovieNum(14);
  134. }
  135. function load_objectives()
  136. {
  137.    objectives_open = true;
  138.    _level10.stop();
  139.    loadMovieNum("../interface/objectives.swf",13,"GET");
  140. }
  141. function unload_objectives()
  142. {
  143.    objectives_open = false;
  144.    restart();
  145.    unloadMovieNum(13);
  146. }
  147. function load_coursemap()
  148. {
  149.    getUrl("javascript:open_map();", "");
  150. }
  151. function load_audionarrative()
  152. {
  153.    loadMovieNum("../interface/narrative.swf",15,"GET");
  154. }
  155. function unload_audionarrative()
  156. {
  157.    unloadMovieNum(15);
  158. }
  159. function load_glossary()
  160. {
  161.    glossary_open = true;
  162.    _level10.stop();
  163.    if(_level19._currentframe != 30)
  164.    {
  165.       loadMovieNum("../interface/glossary.swf",19,"GET");
  166.    }
  167. }
  168. function unload_glossary()
  169. {
  170.    glossary_open = false;
  171.    restart();
  172.    unloadMovieNum(19);
  173. }
  174. function exit()
  175. {
  176.    x = 50;
  177.    while(x > 1)
  178.    {
  179.       if(x != 19)
  180.       {
  181.          getURL("","_level" add x);
  182.       }
  183.       x--;
  184.    }
  185. }
  186. function restart()
  187. {
  188.    if(_level10._currentframe == _level10._totalframes)
  189.    {
  190.       _level10.stop();
  191.    }
  192.    else if(glossary_open || resources_open || objectives_open)
  193.    {
  194.       _level10.stop();
  195.    }
  196.    else
  197.    {
  198.       _level10.play();
  199.    }
  200. }
  201. function update_systems()
  202. {
  203.    var _loc1_ = _root;
  204.    url_calls_str = "";
  205.    if(_level10.complete)
  206.    {
  207.       _loc1_.next_btn.gotoAndStop("active");
  208.       url_calls_str += "set_location(\'1\'," + _loc1_.sco_current_page + ");";
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  210.    if(_loc1_.txtcurrent == _loc1_.txttotal)
  211.    {
  212.       if(_level10.complete == false)
  213.       {
  214.          _loc1_.next_btn.gotoAndStop("inactive");
  215.       }
  216.       else
  217.       {
  218.          _loc1_.next_btn.gotoAndStop("active");
  219.          url_calls_str += "set_status(\'1\',\'c\');";
  220.       }
  221.    }
  222.    if(_loc1_.sco_current_page >= _loc1_.furthest_point)
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  224.       getURL("javascript:flash_command(\"" + url_calls_str + "\");","_self");
  225.    }
  226. }
  227. loading_variable = "../interface/subtitles.swf";
  228. loadMovieNum(loading_variable,11);
  229. loading_variable = "../interface/tooltip.swf";
  230. loadMovieNum(loading_variable,62);
  231. if(_root.sco_status == "c")
  232. {
  233.    _root.sco_current_page = 1;
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  237.    _root.sco_current_page = Number(_root.sco_location) + 1;
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  240. {
  241.    _root.sco_current_page = 1;
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  244. file_structure();
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  253.    temp_load = "0" + temp_c;
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  255. loading_variable = _root.cf_structure + "page" + temp_load + ".swf";
  256. loadMovieNum(loading_variable,10);
  257. Module = new Array();
  258. Module[0] = ["1"];
  259. Module[1] = ["2","3","4"];
  260. Module[2] = ["5","6","7","8"];
  261. Module[3] = ["9","10","11","12"];
  262. Tooltip_topics = new Array("Prototype_tooltips","topic1_tooltips","topic2_tooltips","topic3_tooltips","topic4_tooltips","topic5_tooltips","topic6_tooltips","topic7_tooltips","topic8_tooltips","topic9_tooltips","topic10_tooltips","topic11_tooltips");
  263. Prototype_tooltips = new Array("Guided Tour: How to Use this Course");
  264. topic1_tooltips = new Array("Introduction to Networking - Module Overview","Topic 1: Network Architectures - Objectives","Local Area Networks (LANs)","LANs - How Information Is Shared","Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs)","Wide Area Networks (WANs)","The OSI Model - Introduction ","The OSI Model - The Flow of Data","The OSI Model - The Groups of the OSI","The OSI Model - The Upper Three Layers","The OSI Model - The Lower Four Layers","Conclusion","Self Check");
  265. topic2_tooltips = new Array("Topic 2: Network Security - Objectives","Security Fundamentals","Security Fundamentals - General Considerations","Security Threats","Security Threats - Natural Threats","Security Threats - Internal and External Threats","Security Threats - Intentional and Unintentional Threats","Security Threats - Social Engineering","Security Threats - Hackers","Security Threats - Types of Hackers","Security Threats - Types of Attacks","Security and the Internet - Mobile Code","Security and the Internet - Blocking Mobile Code","Security and the Internet - Other Types of Code","Security and the Internet - Evolution of the Internet","Security and the Internet - The Structure of the Internet","Security Strategies - The Network Security Policy","Security Strategies - Passwords","Security Strategies - Limiting Access","Security Strategies - Encryption","Security Strategies - Risk Assessment","Conclusion ","Self Check");
  266. topic3_tooltips = new Array("Topic 3: Defense-in-Depth (DID) Overview - Objectives","Defense-in-Depth","Defense-in-Depth - Balanced Approach","Defense-in-Depth - Goal of DID","Defense-in-Depth - Techniques","Defense-in-Depth - Using Firewalls","Information Assurance","Conclusion","Self Check");
  267. topic4_tooltips = new Array("Firewall Fundamentals - Module Overview","Topic 1: Firewall Overview - Objectives","Introduction to Firewalls","Introduction to Firewalls - A Brief History","Introduction to Firewalls - Security and the Automated Information System","Introduction to Firewalls - Security and Enclaves","Definition of Firewalls","Definition of Firewalls - Firewalls in the Network","Definition of Firewalls - Meeting a Security Posture","Definition of Firewalls - Robustness","Open Systems Interconnection Model Operations","OSI Model Operations - Difference Between Firewalls","Policy Philosophy","Firewall Policy - The Defense-in-Depth Strategy","Legal Considerations","Conclusion","Self Check");
  268. topic5_tooltips = new Array("Topic 2: Firewall Types and Capabilities - Objectives","Overview of Packet Filtering","Packet Filtering Firewalls","Packet Filtering Firewalls - Access Control List","Packet Filtering Firewalls - Advantages and Disadvantages","Stateful Inspection Firewalls","Stateful Inspection Firewalls - Advantages and Disadvantages","Application-Gateway (Proxy) Firewalls","Proxy Firewalls","Proxy Firewalls - Working Across the OSI Model","Proxy Firewalls - Advantages","Proxy Firewalls - Disadvantages","Hybrid Firewalls","Conclusion","Self Check");
  269. topic6_tooltips = new Array("Topic 3: Firewall Architectures and Designs - Objectives","Firewall Architectures - Overview","Dual-Homed Architecture","Dual-Homed Architecture - Packet Forwarding","Dual-Homed Architecture - Disadvantages","Screened Subnet (DMZ) Architecture","Screened Subnet (DMZ) Architecture - Packet Forwarding","Screened Subnet (DMZ) Architecture - Advantages to the DMZ","Firewall Placement","Virtual Private Networks","Virtual Private Networks - Mobile Code","Conclusion","Self Check");
  270. topic7_tooltips = new Array("Topic 4: Firewall Functions and Considerations - Objectives","Firewall Architectures - Overview","Access Control and Filtering","Access Control, Filtering, and the Security Policy","Authentication","Auditing and Reporting","Using Filtering to Protect Against Attacks","Mobile Code","Blocking Mobile Code","Encryption","Network Address Translation","Robustness Strategy - Introduction","Robustness Strategy - Step 1","Robustness Strategy - Steps 2 and 3","Robustness Strategy - Other Considerations","Conclusion","Self Check");
  271. topic8_tooltips = new Array("Introduction to Routers - Module Overview","Topic 1: Introduction to Routing - Objectives","Introduction to Routing","Introduction to Routing - Routers and Switches","Introduction to Routing - Communication Inside the Network","Routing Processes","Routing Processes - Exchanging Information","Routing Processes - Using Routing as a Part of Security","Routing Equipment","Conclusion","Self Check");
  272. topic9_tooltips = new Array("Topic 2: Routing Functionality - Objectives","Frames","Packets","Handling Packets","MAC and IP Addresses","Routing Tables","Routing Tables - Static and Dynamic Methods","Circuit Switched Routing","Packet Switched Routing","When to Use Packet Switching","When to Use Circuit Switching","Conclusion","Self Check");
  273. topic10_tooltips = new Array("Topic 3: Routing Functionality - Objectives","Routed vs. Routing Protocols","Routed Protocols - TCP/IP","Routing Protocols","Routing Protocols - Distance Vector Routing","Routing Protocols - Distance Vector Routing","Routing Protocols - Link State Routing","Routing Protocols - Link State Routing ΓÇô Link State Advertisement","Routing Protocols - Link State Routing - Cost","Routing Protocols - Link State Routing - LSA","Routing Protocols - Link State Routing - Synchronization","Miscellaneous Protocols","Conclusion","Self Check");
  274. topic11_tooltips = new Array("Topic 4: Routing Security - Objectives","Protecting the Router - Types of Attacks","Protecting the Router - Physical Security","Protecting the Router - Security Using Software","Protecting the Router - Security Through Updates","Protecting the Network","Protecting the Network - DID Strategy","Protecting the Network - Creating a DMZ","Protecting the Network - Using a Router as a Firewall","Router Access","Router Access - Securing Remote Connections","Router Access - Virtual Private Networks","Router Access - Public Key Infrastructure","Router Access - Common Access Card","Router Access - Administrative Privileges","Auditing","Auditing - Determining What to Audit","Auditing - Audit Messages","Router Policy","Router Policy - Physical Security","Router Policy - Static Configuration and Software","Conclusion","Self Check");
  275. x = 0;
  276. while(x < Tooltip_topics.length)
  277. {
  278.    if(_root.current_sco - 1 == x)
  279.    {
  280.       _root.topic_name = Tooltip_topics[x];
  281.    }
  282.    x++;
  283. }